The last post of 2010!!
Can you believe it?
Well, 2010 has been quite a year for me! Here are a few things that made it special!!
My year began with an annual trip to Oklahoma for the Debbie Collins Memorial Scholarship Showcase. Such a great show and always a great time! The "Debbie Show" is one of my favorites.
In February I went to Texas and attended a dance convention with Mom's kiddos. They were fabulous as usual. And I, of course, had a blast!
In March, I was back on the road with Yo Gabba Gabba and staying extremely busy.
In April, Gabba took me to the White House!! We performed at the Easter Egg Roll!! Amazing!
May might just have been the biggest month for me in 2010.
First it was SCD's 20th Anniversary!!
And I got ENGAGED!!
And getting engaged led to the most popular thing here at Dancing Through Life!
I am pretty sure the only productive thing I did in the month of June was go to Oklahoma and teach at the SCD Summer Workshop. We had a blast!
Then in July... we found THE DRESS!! And had lots of fun just playing in the city!
August led to the usual trip to Oklahoma for more dancing! The Sailor moving back to the mainland and Gege turning 90!
September brought my favorite time of year Football Season!
In October I had a milestone birthday!
I was a busy busy bee in November. Dancing all the time and all over the place!
The best... The First Annual DDI!
And finally... it was December! I mean... this year has been super full!!
First Christmas in years that the whole family has been together!!
May you and yours have a happy and safe New Years Eve!!
And here's to an even better 2011!!
And here's to an even better 2011!!